Monthly Archives: October 2010

Using Worperss Posts for Dynamic Content

In working on the website for the Allied Arts Foundation, I was able to take advantage of WordPress’ post to create dynamic content for my website. First, on the home page I use the post’s  excerpt and featured image to feed the slideshow: global $post; $featured_posts = query_posts(‘category_name=Featured Artists&orderby=ID&order=ASC’); foreach( $featured_posts as $post ) {Using Worperss Posts for Dynamic Content See the full project…

Today’s Tea launches

New e-commerce website You can buy fabulous loose tea and tea products as well as learn about tea and its benefits. The website was build using WordPress along with the Shopp plugin.

HTML5 video

I finally had the opportunity to experiment with HTML5 video along with fallback. I tried using jwplayer as my fallback based on video_for_everybody but kept getting javscript errors. I finally just opted form embed tags as my fall back which works perfectly. The site is still in testing status but you can check it here.