Archives: WordPress

Using Worperss Posts for Dynamic Content

In working on the website for the Allied Arts Foundation, I was able to take advantage of WordPress’ post to create dynamic content for my website. First, on the home page I use the post’s  excerpt and featured image to feed the slideshow: global $post; $featured_posts = query_posts(‘category_name=Featured Artists&orderby=ID&order=ASC’); foreach( $featured_posts as $post ) {Using Worperss Posts for Dynamic Content See the full project…

Another WordPress theme

As part of the team working on a relaunch of OnPoint Urgent Care on a WordPress platform, my role was to design the theme. My role consisted of creating a lot of CSS as well as implementing the jQuery used in the drop down menus and slide show.


I have been experimenting with #WordPress – learning how to create child themes and using “add_filter ” and “add_action” functions. I started with the thematic theme to see if I could take its very generic appearance and change it around. Although it did not bring my experiment to a complete theme creation, I now knowWordPress See the full project…