Protect your Valuables!
updated | backed-up | secure
Creating a website is a major accomplishment. You pour your heart and soul – and probably a significant amount of funding – into your online presence, because you’re building a foundation from which you can grow your business.
You launch, you celebrate, and you do what you love – your business flourishes. But you can’t just ’set it and forget it’; there are continued updates that need to be made, security checks and regular backups – these activities are what keeps your site protected and running smoothly. These activities are also probably not what you want to spend time thinking about.
Kool Kat Web Designs shifts site maintenance off your plate so you can focus on your passion.
Staying Updated
WordPress requires regular updates – not only to the platform itself, but to plugins and themes. These updates keep the site running smoothly, and give you access to new and improved features, and more importantly, ensuring that the site remains secure. Kool Kat will upgrade your site once a month, and as needed for major or time-sensitive issues.
Backing Up
You’ve heard the horror stories. A site gets hacked and some crazy person steals all of your web content and replaces it with personal ads. You accidentally delete a line of code that ties the whole home page together. You inadvertently install a plugin with a glitch that creates havoc on the whole site. Regular backups prevent you from losing too much of your website (and your mind), when an extinction level event occurs.
We’ll back up your website’s database once per week, and the entire site once per month. We’ll store recent backups right on the site, and keep all of the backups safe and secure on Amazon Web Services (AWS).
Staying Secure
These days, hackers are a huge threat to all websites, not just the big fish. Not only do they jam up your site and turn your world upside-down, they can expose your website visitors to all sorts of junk – from inappropriate content to seriously malicious scripts that can spread from computer to computer. We’ll make sure your site stays untainted with Sucuri malware monitoring.
Removing Spam
Spam comments are deleted.
Speeding Performance
Your WordPress database is optimized.
Sign Up Now
You get all of this for just $396.00/year for blogs and informational sites, $456.00/year for e-commerce sites. You’ll be billed once a year in January with your first year prorated to the first full half-month you’re getting service.
You have insurance on your car, your home, even your life – so wouldn’t it be smart and savvy to protect your website as well?