The #WordPress menu system is great for most menus, but sometimes you need something that is just a little different. For example, this menu has checkboxes:
WordPress Menu with Checkboxes

Using checkboxes in a menu presents two problems:

  1. How can we set up something that can be easily maintained?
  2. How can we get the checkboxes to display in the menu?

The answer to question 1 is relatively simple – just use the standard WordPress menu. Below you can see the menu set up with the Retail Page followed by the categories – the same as in the actual menu. This way, any new categories can be added to the menu ing the WordPress dashboard.
Menu with Categories

The answer to question 2 is to use a custom Walker class to change the li tags into checkboxes. Wptuts+ has a good tutorial on how to use the Walker class so I will just delve into the specifics of this particular implementation.

The basic idea is to replace the anchor tags with input tags. If you have been following the Wptuts+ tutorial, you know that the start_el function is where the anchor tags get generated so that is where we need to place the code. Since WordPress generates classes that lets us know we are on a category item, we can use that for the code:

//this gets the the value we use for the input tag so we can assign a value
if( 'category' == $item->object ){
        $category = get_category( $item->object_id );
        $inputClass = 'category-' . $category->slug;
if (in_array('menu-item-object-category', $classes)) {
			 $item_output = $description
			. $args->before
            . '<input type="checkbox" value ="'.$inputClass.'"/>'
            . $args->link_before
            . $title
            . $args->link_after
            . $args->after;
else {
	$item_output = $args->before
	. "<a $attributes>"
	. $args->link_before
	. $title
	. '</a>'
	. $args->link_after
	. $args->after;

You can see the menu in action at If any one is interested in the complete code and full functionality of how the menu works, please contact me.