Many articles have been written about how to set up custom posts and taxonomies in WordPress so I won’t revisit that here. Instead, I will focus on a real world experience of how this technique actually helps clients.
The Allied Arts Foundation wanted a simple way to publish a series of news items for a fixed set up topics. To do this, I set up a custom post type for News with a custom taxonomy so specific News categories could be added. For the Allied Arts Foundation the following News categories were included:
- AAF News
- Events and Opportunities
- Sponsored and Granted Project News
- Taking Action
The foundation can then add news item posts to any of those categories and a custom WordPress query places them on the home page. A template for the custom taxonomy was created to display the complete list of posts for a category. Similarly, a custom post template shows a complete single post.
The Allied Arts Foundation has found that the adding and editing of news items to be quite easy and are pleased with the presentation of the news items.