In my previous posts on using the Google Map API, I did not address how slow the geo-coding (converting addresses to latitude and longitude) process is. I wanted to find some method of caching the data for a reasonable period of time so that the map loads quickly but I still can get address changes in a timely manner.
Since I am using WordPress, this led me to transients. I added my transient function to the after_setup_theme hook, which runs before the init hook since I wanted to cache the data as soon as possible. Here is the code I used in functions.php:
add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'rotary_setup' );
if ( ! function_exists( 'rotary_setup' ) ):
function rotary_setup() {
$markers = array();
$markerRow = 0;
if (false === ($value = get_transient('map_data'))) {
$rotaryclubs = simplexml_load_file(',4&xsl=');
foreach($rotaryclubs->CLUB as $club) {
if (strlen (strval($club->MEETINGADDRESS)) >0 ) {
$address = urlencode($club->MEETINGADDRESS . ' ' . $club->MEETINGCITY . ' ' . $club->MEETINGSTATECODE . ' ' . $club->MEETINGPOSTALCODE);
$geocode = simplexml_load_file('' . $address . '&sensor=false');
$markers[$markerRow] = array("clubname"=>strval($club->CLUBNAME), "address"=>strval($geocode->result->formatted_address),"lat"=>strval($geocode->result->geometry->location->lat), "lng"=>strval($geocode->result->geometry->location->lng));
set_transient('map_data', json_encode($markers), 60*60*12);
Notice a few things about this code:
- It is basically the same method of pulling XML data and creating JSON outpu
- The transient data expires in 12 hours
- We check to see if the transient data exists before running the code.
To use this code to build the map I added the following to my header.php:
<script type="text/javascript">
var data = <?php echo get_transient('map_data'); ?>;
Then my initialize() javascript function no longer needs to call getJSON
as I already have the data. The new function looks like this:
function initialize() {
if (jQuery("#map_canvas").length > 0) {
var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(47.6062095, -122.3320708);
var myOptions = {
zoom: 8,
center: latlng,
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map_canvas"), myOptions); for (i=0; i
addMarker(data[i].lat, data[i].lng, data[i].clubname, data[i].address)
You can view the results of the geo-coding on this website.